Line follower robot fritzing circuit using l298n
Line follower robot fritzing circuit using l298n

line follower robot fritzing circuit using l298n

This pin controls the speed of the motor A by enabling the PWM signal.

line follower robot fritzing circuit using l298n

If jumper is intact, then it acts as an output pin. Will be used only if the 5V enable jumper is not intact. This pin supplies the power (5V) for the internal circuit (L298N IC).

line follower robot fritzing circuit using l298n

It is imprinted with +12V on board but can be powered between 6-12V. This is the pin which supplies power to the motor. This module is mainly used in robotics and in controlling dc and stepping motors. Thus, it is perfect for two-wheeled robots. It is widely used in controlling robots as we can connect up to four motors at once but if we want to control the speed and direction as well then it allows two motors to be connected. The L298N motor driver module is very easy to use with microcontrollers and relatively inexpensive as well. Interface L298N DC Motor Driver Module with ESP8266 NodeMCU.MicroPython Control a DC Motor using L298N Driver with ESP32 and ESP8266.Interface L298N DC Motor Driver Module with Arduino.We have similar guides for ESP32, ESP8266, and Arduino using Arduino IDE and MicroPython: In the end, we will see an example to control the direction of a DC motor using an L298N motor driver. Firstly, we will see an example to control DC motor speed. This is an in-depth guide about the L298N motor driver including its specifications, pinout, interfacing with ESP32 board. In this tutorial, we will learn to interface L298N Motor Driver with ESP32.

Line follower robot fritzing circuit using l298n